Jon Ribbens
2020-10-15 12:26:42 UTC
Sufficient replies have now been received from nominators, so the
following people are now confirmed as candidates for the 2020 UK Usenet
Committee Election:
Mark Goodge mark (at) good-stuff (dot) co (dot) uk
Fiona Gostling aka kat katstuff (at) the-kat (dot) org
Jon Ribbens
Primary Votetaker - UK Usenet Committee Election 2020
following people are now confirmed as candidates for the 2020 UK Usenet
Committee Election:
Mark Goodge mark (at) good-stuff (dot) co (dot) uk
Fiona Gostling aka kat katstuff (at) the-kat (dot) org
Jon Ribbens
Primary Votetaker - UK Usenet Committee Election 2020