UK Usenet Committee Election 2020 - Confirmed Applications
(too old to reply)
Jon Ribbens
2020-10-15 12:26:42 UTC
Sufficient replies have now been received from nominators, so the
following people are now confirmed as candidates for the 2020 UK Usenet
Committee Election:

Mark Goodge mark (at) good-stuff (dot) co (dot) uk
Fiona Gostling aka kat katstuff (at) the-kat (dot) org


Jon Ribbens
Primary Votetaker - UK Usenet Committee Election 2020
Jon Ribbens
2020-10-19 09:36:44 UTC
Post by Jon Ribbens
Sufficient replies have now been received from nominators, so the
following people are now confirmed as candidates for the 2020 UK Usenet
Mark Goodge mark (at) good-stuff (dot) co (dot) uk
Fiona Gostling aka kat katstuff (at) the-kat (dot) org
Sufficient replies have now been received to confirm the following
person as a candidate:

Mike Fleming mike (at) tauzero (dot) co (dot) uk